If I want my textarea to be hidden, how do I do it?
Everyone is giving you answers, but not much on the reasons. Here you go: if you use the CSS rule visibility:hidden;
the text area will be invisible, but it will still take up space. If you use the CSS rule display:none;
the textarea will be hidden and it won't reserve space on the screen—no gaps, in other words, where it would have been. Visual example below.
So you want something like this to be totally hidden:
/* no styling should show up for either method */
textarea {
background: lightblue;
border: 1px solid blue;
font-weight: bold;
Textarea (not hidden)
Some text after.
Textarea with display:none;
Some text after. Neither height nor margin/padding/layout kept. No other styles visible.
Textarea with visibility:hidden;
Some text after. Height and margin/padding/layout kept. No other styles visible.