Instead of deleting the child row and then writing another sql statement to delete the parent row I wanted to use one statement which will do both. FYI: we use Oracle databa
You can only do it badly - i.e., using triggers.
create table parent
(pid number,
constraint parent_pk
primary key (pid)
using index
create table child
(cid number,
pid number,
constraint child_pk
primary key(cid)
using index,
constraint child_fk
foreign key (pid)
references parent (pid)
create index child_fk on child (pid);
create trigger fake_delete_cascade
before delete on parent
for each row
delete from child where pid =;
insert into parent values (1);
insert into child values (1,1);
select count(*) from child;
delete from parent where pid = 1;
select count(*) from child;