I\'m trying to connect a Mesos slave to its master. Whenver the slave tries to connect to the master, I get the following message:
I0806 16:39:59.090845 93
I had a similar problem. My slave logs would be filled with
E0812 15:58:04.017990 2193 socket.hpp:107] Shutdown failed on fd=13: Transport endpoint is not connected [107]
My master would have
F0120 20:45:48.025610 12116 master.cpp:1083] Recovery failed: Failed to recover registrar: Failed to perform fetch within 1mins
And the master would die, and a new election would occur, the killed master would be restarted by upstart (I am on a Centos 6 box) and be added into the pool of potential masters. Thus my elected master would daisy chain around my master nodes. Many restarts of masters and slaves did nothing the problem would consistently return within 1 minute of master election.
The solution for me came from a this stackoverflow question (thanks) and a hint in a github gist note.
The gist of it is /etc/default/mesos-master
must specify a quorum number (it needs to be correct for the number of mesos masters, in my case 3)
This seems odd to me as I have the same information in the file /etc/mesos-master/quorum
But I added it to /etc/default/mesos-master
restarted the mesos-masters and slaves and the problem has not returned.
I hope this helps you.