I\'m having an issue with webfonts only in Firefox, all other browsers (including IE) work perfectly.
My issues is that the webfonts won\'t load at all.
i run into the same problem the last days. found a lot of tips and solutions, but none of them worked for me. then i used the buildin webdeveloper console (strg+shift+k) instead of firebug and voila, i see the error:
[14:18:36.161] GET http://www.example.com/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=3.2.0 [HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required 21ms]
yes, a 401 error, because the page is located behind a htaccess login! when i disable the htaccess authorization, everything works fine!
thats of course only a workaround and no solution, but, before you get crasy about that sh*t like i did, watch out if your site is behind a htaccess login. that could save you a lot of time ;)
another problem you can run into: http & https if you use both protocols on your site, embed the fonts like this:
src: url('//www.example.com/fonts/webfont.eot');
instead of this:
src: url('http://www.example.com/fonts/webfont.eot');
hope that helps someone. i lost a lot of time because of this &$!§%*