The title is not exact, but I can\'t express it better in a single line.
As various people have pointed out (e.g. in VonC's very useful answer), git notes
really is the mechanism you're looking for. Is it not enough for you to change your alias to the following?
git log --oneline --show-notes
Presumably it's only occasionally that you'll have to add a note to a commit, and the notes will visually stand out in the output of that command.
If you really want to replace the subject of each commit if notes exist, you could always create a script along the lines of:
for c in $(git rev-list HEAD)
n=$(git notes show $c 2> /dev/null)
m=$(git show --oneline $c|head -1)
if [ -n "$n" ]
m=${m/ */ $n}
echo $m
... but that's a lot uglier for little gain, in my opinion.