I\'m building a bar plot in d3.js in which each bar represents total TB cases during a month. The data essentially consists of a date (initially strings in %Y-%m format, bu
You can combine ordinal and time scales:
// Use this to draw x axis
var xScaleDate = d3.time.scale()
.domain(d3.extent(thisstat, function(d) { return d.date; }))
.range([0, width - margin.left - margin.right]);
// Add an ordinal scale
var ordinalXScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(d3.map(thisstat, function(d) { return d.date; }))
.rangeBands([0, width], 0.4, 0);
// Now you can use both of them to space columns evenly:
.attr("class", "column")
.attr("width", ordinalXScale.rangeBand())
.attr("height", function (d) {
return height - yScale(d.value);
.attr("x", function (d) {
return xScaleDate(d.date);
.attr("y", function (d){
return yScale(d.value);
I've created an example a while ago to demonstrate this approach: http://codepen.io/coquin/pen/BNpQoO