I want to convert a password which is stored in binary to normal ASCII form so that i can read it. I need a VBscript for that and script should also return this de-crypted p
There are so many ways.
If it's a binary reg value then from Help (you did read it, didn't you)
The RegRead method returns values of the following five types.
Type Description In the Form of
A string
A string
A number
An integer
A binary value
A VBArray of integers
An expandable string (e.g., "%windir%\\calc.exe")
A string
An array of strings
A VBArray of strings
If a string, split on space (gives you an array of strings). The least significant bit is 2^0, 2^1, ..., 2^7.
The normal way, not the only way though, to store a password, is to dump it in the registry.
Reading it gives you an array, not a scalar variable. So ...
The second method, handles cases where it's stored in a file.