I\'ve two Fibonacci implementations, seen below, that I want to prove are functionally equivalent.
I\'ve already proved properties about natural numbers, but this ex
Here is yet another answer, similar to the one using mathcomp, but this one uses "vanilla" Coq.
First of all, we need some imports, additional definitions, and a couple of helper lemmas:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Definition fib_v2 n := visit_fib_v2 n 0 1.
Lemma visit_fib_v2_property n: forall a0 a1,
visit_fib_v2 (S (S n)) a0 a1 =
visit_fib_v2 (S n) a0 a1 + visit_fib_v2 n a0 a1.
Proof. now induction n; firstorder. Qed.
Lemma fib_v2_property n:
fib_v2 (S (S n)) = fib_v2 (S n) + fib_v2 n.
Proof. apply visit_fib_v2_property. Qed.
To prove the main lemma we are going to use the standard well-founded induction lt_wf_ind
principle for natural numbers with the <
relation (a.k.a. complete induction):
This time we need to prove only one subgoal, since the n = 0
case for complete induction is always vacuously true. Our induction hypothesis, unsurprisingly, looks like this:
IH : forall m : nat, m < n -> fib_v1 m = fib_v2 m
Here is the proof:
Lemma fib_v1_eq_fib2 n :
fib_v1 n = fib_v2 n.
pattern n; apply lt_wf_ind; clear n; intros n IH.
do 2 (destruct n; trivial).
rewrite fib_v2_property.
rewrite <- !IH; auto.