I\'ve two Fibonacci implementations, seen below, that I want to prove are functionally equivalent.
I\'ve already proved properties about natural numbers, but this ex
This proof script only shows the proof structure. It could be useful to explain the idea of the proof.
Require Import Ring Arith Psatz. (* Psatz required by firstorder *)
Theorem fibfib: forall n, fib_v2 n 0 1 = fib_v1 n.
Proof with (intros; simpl in *; ring || firstorder).
assert (H: forall n a0 a1, fib_v2 (S n) a0 a1 = a0 * (fib_v1 n) + a1 * (fib_v1 (S n))).
{ induction n... rewrite IHn; destruct n... }
destruct n; try rewrite H...