How do I modify buffer
in following code then save the changes in resource of the executable? I\'m looking for something like SetString(handle,index,buffe
I've found the answer using Google. (English translation from Chinese) Thanks anyways everyone!
procedure UpdateResString(AFileName, ANewString: string; AStringIdent: Integer);
procedure WriteToArray(AArray: TByteDynArray; AData: Word; var APos: Integer);
AArray[APos] := Lo(AData);
AArray[APos + 1] := Hi(AData);
Inc(APos, 2);
function ReadFromArray(AArray: TByteDynArray; APos: Integer): Word;
Result := AArray[APos] + AArray[APos + 1] * 16;
hModule, hResInfo, hUpdate: THandle;
ResData, TempData: TByteDynArray;
wsNewString: WideString;
iSection, iIndexInSection: Integer;
i, iLen, iSkip, iPos: Integer;
hModule := LoadLibrary(PChar(AFileName));
if hModule = 0 then
raise Exception.CreateFmt('file %s failed to load.', [AFileName]);
// Calculate the resource string area and the string index in that area
iSection := AStringIdent div 16 + 1;
iIndexInSection := AStringIdent mod 16;
// If the resource already exists, then read it out of the original data
hResInfo := FindResource(hModule, MakeIntResource(iSection), RT_STRING);
if hResInfo <> 0 then
iLen := SizeOfResource(hModule, hResInfo);
SetLength(ResData, iLen);
CopyMemory(ResData, LockResource(LoadResource(hModule, hResInfo)), iLen);
// Should first close the file, and then update
// Calculate the new data is written to location
wsNewString := WideString(ANewString);
iLen := Length(wsNewString);
iPos := 0;
for i := 0 to iIndexInSection do
if iPos > High(ResData) then
SetLength(ResData, iPos + 2);
if i <> iIndexInSection then
iSkip := (ReadFromArray(ResData, iPos) + 1) * 2;
Inc(iPos, iSkip);
// Delete the original data and the data behind the temporary
// storage of data to be added
iSkip := (ReadFromArray(ResData, iPos) + 1) * 2;
TempData := Copy(ResData, iPos + iSkip, Length(ResData) - iSkip);
SetLength(ResData, iPos);
SetLength(ResData, iPos + (iLen + 1) * 2 + Length(TempData));
// Write new data
WriteToArray(ResData, iLen, iPos);
for i := 1 to iLen do
WriteToArray(ResData, Ord(wsNewString[i]), iPos);
// Write back to the original data
for i := 0 to High(TempData) do
ResData[iPos + i] := TempData[i];
// Write the data back to file
hUpdate := BeginUpdateResource(PChar(AFileName), False);
if hUpdate = 0 then
raise Exception.CreateFmt(
'cannot write file %s. Please check whether it is open or set read-only.',
UpdateResource(hUpdate, RT_STRING, MakeIntResource(iSection), LANG_NEUTRAL,
ResData, Length(ResData));
EndUpdateResource(hUpdate, False);