I have to create a javascript array whose elements are fetched by php from a database. Is it possible? If so, how?
(I dont want to use ajax to do that)
If you can loop through the database contents, creating an array is simple:
echo "var myArray = [";
Loop through array here and add commas to separate values.
echo "];";
Your myArray variable will be available client-side. It should look something like:
var myArray = [1, 3, 2, 4];
Alternatively and to avoid an extra comma due to loop-based string concatenation, you can write the variable to the client as follows:
echo "var myArray = [];"
...and do the following for each data row:
echo "myArray.push($db_data);"
This is effective, though not quite as clean as the previous approach. You will end up with code similar to the following:
var myArray = [];
alert(myArray); // will display "3, 5, 1"
My apologies for not being too familiar with PHP, but this is something that can be done with any server-side language.