Is it possible to change the keyword for the Quit commando in FormDialog using Bot Framework?
I want to throw the FormCanceledException when a certain word is typed
Yes, it's possible. One way to do that, is to add a new term to the FormCommand.Quit
Here you will find an example that is doing exactly that (and code below for your reference)
private static IFormBuilder CreateCustomForm()
where T : class
var form = new FormBuilder();
var command = form.Configuration.Commands[FormCommand.Quit];
var terms = command.Terms.ToList();
command.Terms = terms.ToArray();
var templateAttribute = form.Configuration.Template(TemplateUsage.NotUnderstood);
var patterns = templateAttribute.Patterns;
patterns[0] += " Type *cancel* to quit or *help* if you want more information.";
templateAttribute.Patterns = patterns;
return form;