how can I divide number (money) to x number equally the number could be with one or two decimal or without it
such as 1000
or 100.2
Since we are talking about money, normally a few cents different doesn't matter as long as the total adds up correctly. So if you don't mind one payment possibly being a few cents greater than the rest, here is a really simple solution for installment payments.
function CalculateInstallments(total, installments) {
// Calculate Installment Payments
var pennies = total * 100;
var remainder = pennies % installments;
var otherPayments = (pennies - remainder) / installments;
var firstPayment = otherPayments + remainder;
for (var i = 0; i < installments; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
console.log("first payment = ", firstPayment / 100);
} else {
console.log("next payment = ", otherPayments / 100);
Since you said you wanted the highest payment at the end you would want to modify the if statement in the for loop: if (i==installments-1) { //last payment }