I was working on a Python program which deals with SQLite3 databases. I made it as an MSI setup file by using cx_Freeze.
Windows shortcuts produced by .msi set-up fi
I was able to fix the problem by making a small change to cx_Freeze/windist.py. In add_config(), line 61, I changed:
msilib.add_data(self.db, "Shortcut",
[("S_APP_%s" % index, executable.shortcutDir,
executable.shortcutName, "TARGETDIR",
"[TARGETDIR]%s" % baseName, None, None, None,
None, None, None, None)])
msilib.add_data(self.db, "Shortcut",
[("S_APP_%s" % index, executable.shortcutDir,
executable.shortcutName, "TARGETDIR",
"[TARGETDIR]%s" % baseName, None, None, None,
None, None, None, "TARGETDIR")]) # <--- Working directory.
Thanks everyone.