I have basic understanding of both JSOR and jVerbs.
Both handle limitations of JNI and use fast path to reduce latency. Both of them use user Verbs RDMA interface fo
Here are some numbers using DiSNI -- the newly open sourced successor of IBM's jVerbs -- and DaRPC, the low-latency RPC library using DiSNI.
These benchmarks have been executed on two hosts connected using a Mellanox ConnectX-3 network interface.
Here are the commands to execute the benchmarks:
(1) Read benchmark
java -cp disni-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:disni-1.0-tests.jar com.ibm.disni.examples.benchmarks.AppLauncher -t java-rdma-server -a -o read -s 64 -k 100000 -p
java -cp disni-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:disni-1.0-tests.jar com.ibm.disni.examples.benchmarks.AppLauncher -t java-rdma-client -a -o read -s 64 -k 100000 -p
(2) Send/recv benchmark
java -cp darpc-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:darpc-1.0-tests.jar com.ibm.darpc.examples.server.DaRPCServer -a -d -l 64 -r 64
java -cp darpc-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:darpc-1.0-tests.jar com.ibm.darpc.examples.client.DaRPCClient -a -k 1000000 -l 64 -r 64 -b 1