On Python, there is this option errors=\'ignore\'
for the open Python function:
open( \'/filepath.txt\',
I also managed to fix it by trailing/cutting down all Non-ASCII characters.
This one takes about 2.6
seconds to parse 319MB:
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
FILE* cfilestream = fopen( "./test.txt", "r" );
size_t linebuffersize = 131072;
if( cfilestream == NULL ) {
perror( "fopen cfilestream" );
return -1;
char* readline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
char* fixedreadline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
if( readline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc readline" );
return -1;
if( fixedreadline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc fixedreadline" );
return -1;
char* source;
if( ( source = std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8" ) ) == NULL ) {
perror( "setlocale" );
else {
std::cerr << "locale='" << source << "'" << std::endl;
int index;
int charsread;
int invalidcharsoffset;
unsigned int fixedchar;
while( true )
if( ( charsread = getline( &readline, &linebuffersize, cfilestream ) ) != -1 )
invalidcharsoffset = 0;
for( index = 0; index < charsread; ++index )
fixedchar = static_cast( readline[index] );
// std::cerr << "index " << std::setw(3) << index
// << " readline " << std::setw(10) << fixedchar
// << " -> '" << readline[index] << "'" << std::endl;
if( 31 < fixedchar && fixedchar < 128 ) {
fixedreadline[index-invalidcharsoffset] = readline[index];
else {
fixedreadline[index-invalidcharsoffset] = '\0';
// std::cerr << "fixedreadline=" << fixedreadline << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "fixedreadline=" << fixedreadline << std::endl;
free( readline );
free( fixedreadline );
fclose( cfilestream );
return 0;
Using menmove
does not improve much speed, so you could either one.
This one takes about 3.1
seconds to parse 319MB:
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
FILE* cfilestream = fopen( "./test.txt", "r" );
size_t linebuffersize = 131072;
if( cfilestream == NULL ) {
perror( "fopen cfilestream" );
return -1;
char* readline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
char* fixedreadline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
if( readline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc readline" );
return -1;
if( fixedreadline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc fixedreadline" );
return -1;
char* source;
char* destination;
char* finalresult;
int index;
int lastcopy;
int charsread;
int charstocopy;
int invalidcharsoffset;
bool hasignoredbytes;
unsigned int fixedchar;
if( ( source = std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8" ) ) == NULL ) {
perror( "setlocale" );
else {
std::cerr << "locale='" << source << "'" << std::endl;
while( true )
if( ( charsread = getline( &readline, &linebuffersize, cfilestream ) ) != -1 )
hasignoredbytes = false;
source = readline;
destination = fixedreadline;
lastcopy = 0;
invalidcharsoffset = 0;
for( index = 0; index < charsread; ++index )
fixedchar = static_cast( readline[index] );
// std::cerr << "fixedchar " << std::setw(10)
// << fixedchar << " -> '"
// << readline[index] << "'" << std::endl;
if( 31 < fixedchar && fixedchar < 128 ) {
if( hasignoredbytes ) {
charstocopy = index - lastcopy - invalidcharsoffset;
memcpy( destination, source, charstocopy );
source += index - lastcopy;
lastcopy = index;
destination += charstocopy;
invalidcharsoffset = 0;
hasignoredbytes = false;
else {
hasignoredbytes = true;
if( destination != fixedreadline ) {
charstocopy = charsread - static_cast( source - readline )
- invalidcharsoffset;
memcpy( destination, source, charstocopy );
destination += charstocopy - 1;
if( *destination == '\n' ) {
*destination = '\0';
else {
*++destination = '\0';
finalresult = fixedreadline;
else {
finalresult = readline;
// std::cerr << "finalresult=" << finalresult << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "finalresult=" << finalresult << std::endl;
free( readline );
free( fixedreadline );
fclose( cfilestream );
return 0;
This takes about 4.6
seconds to parse 319MB of text.
// Compile it with:
// g++ -o main test.cpp -O3 -liconv
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
FILE* cfilestream = fopen( "./test.txt", "r" );
size_t linebuffersize = 131072;
if( cfilestream == NULL ) {
perror( "fopen cfilestream" );
return -1;
char* readline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
char* fixedreadline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
if( readline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc readline" );
return -1;
if( fixedreadline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc fixedreadline" );
return -1;
char* source;
char* destination;
int charsread;
size_t inchars;
size_t outchars;
if( ( source = std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8" ) ) == NULL ) {
perror( "setlocale" );
else {
std::cerr << "locale='" << source << "'" << std::endl;
iconv_t conversiondescriptor = iconv_open("UTF-8//IGNORE", "UTF-8");
if( conversiondescriptor == (iconv_t)-1 ) {
perror( "iconv_open conversiondescriptor" );
while( true )
if( ( charsread = getline( &readline, &linebuffersize, cfilestream ) ) != -1 )
source = readline;
inchars = charsread;
destination = fixedreadline;
outchars = charsread;
if( iconv( conversiondescriptor, &source, &inchars, &destination, &outchars ) )
perror( "iconv" );
// Trim out the new line character
if( *--destination == '\n' ) {
*--destination = '\0';
else {
*destination = '\0';
// std::cerr << "fixedreadline='" << fixedreadline << "'" << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "fixedreadline='" << fixedreadline << "'" << std::endl;
free( readline );
free( fixedreadline );
if( fclose( cfilestream ) ) {
perror( "fclose cfilestream" );
if( iconv_close( conversiondescriptor ) ) {
perror( "iconv_close conversiondescriptor" );
return 0;
This takes about 24.2
seconds to parse 319MB of text.
If you comment out the line fixedchar = mbtowc(NULL, source, charsread);
and uncomment the line charsread -= fixedchar;
(breaking the invalid characters removal) this will take 1.9
seconds instead of 24.2
seconds (also compiled with -O3
optimization level).
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
FILE* cfilestream = fopen( "./test.txt", "r" );
size_t linebuffersize = 131072;
if( cfilestream == NULL ) {
perror( "fopen cfilestream" );
return -1;
char* readline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
if( readline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc readline" );
return -1;
char* source;
char* lineend;
char* destination;
int charsread;
int fixedchar;
if( ( source = std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8" ) ) == NULL ) {
perror( "setlocale" );
else {
std::cerr << "locale='" << source << "'" << std::endl;
while( true )
if( ( charsread = getline( &readline, &linebuffersize, cfilestream ) ) != -1 )
lineend = readline + charsread;
destination = readline;
for( source = readline; source != lineend; )
// fixedchar = 1;
fixedchar = mbtowc(NULL, source, charsread);
charsread -= fixedchar;
// std::ostringstream contents;
// for( int index = 0; index < fixedchar; ++index )
// contents << source[index];
// std::cerr << "fixedchar=" << std::setw(10)
// << fixedchar << " -> '"
// << contents.str().c_str() << "'" << std::endl;
if( fixedchar > 0 ) {
memmove( destination, source, fixedchar );
source += fixedchar;
destination += fixedchar;
else if( fixedchar < 0 ) {
source += 1;
// std::cerr << "errno=" << strerror( errno ) << std::endl;
else {
// Trim out the new line character
if( *--destination == '\n' ) {
*--destination = '\0';
else {
*destination = '\0';
// std::cerr << "readline='" << readline << "'" << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "readline='" << readline << "'" << std::endl;
if( fclose( cfilestream ) ) {
perror( "fclose cfilestream" );
free( readline );
return 0;
You cannot use memcpy
here because the memory regions overlap!
This takes about 2.4
seconds to parse 319MB.
If you comment out the lines *destination = *source
and memmove( destination, source, 1 )
(breaking the invalid characters removal) the performance still almost the same as when memmove
is being called. Here in, calling memmove( destination, source, 1 )
is a little slower than directly doing *destination = *source;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
FILE* cfilestream = fopen( "./test.txt", "r" );
size_t linebuffersize = 131072;
if( cfilestream == NULL ) {
perror( "fopen cfilestream" );
return -1;
char* readline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
if( readline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc readline" );
return -1;
char* source;
char* lineend;
char* destination;
int charsread;
unsigned int fixedchar;
if( ( source = std::setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8" ) ) == NULL ) {
perror( "setlocale" );
else {
std::cerr << "locale='" << source << "'" << std::endl;
while( true )
if( ( charsread = getline( &readline, &linebuffersize, cfilestream ) ) != -1 )
lineend = readline + charsread;
destination = readline;
for( source = readline; source != lineend; ++source )
fixedchar = static_cast( *source );
// std::cerr << "fixedchar=" << std::setw(10)
// << fixedchar << " -> '" << *source << "'" << std::endl;
if( 31 < fixedchar && fixedchar < 128 ) {
*destination = *source;
// Trim out the new line character
if( *source == '\n' ) {
*--destination = '\0';
else {
*destination = '\0';
// std::cerr << "readline='" << readline << "'" << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "readline='" << readline << "'" << std::endl;
if( fclose( cfilestream ) ) {
perror( "fclose cfilestream" );
free( readline );
return 0;
You can also use Python C Extensions (API).
It takes about 2.3
seconds to parse 319MB without converting them to cached version UTF-8 char*
And takes about 3.2
seconds to parse 319MB converting them to UTF-8
And also takes about 3.2
seconds to parse 319MB converting them to cached ASCII
typedef struct
static PyModuleDef fastfilepackagemodule =
// https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/module.html#c.PyModuleDef
"fastfilepackage", /* name of module */
"Example module that wrapped a C++ object", /* module documentation, may be NULL */
-1, /* size of per-interpreter state of the module, or
-1 if the module keeps state in global variables. */
NULL, /* PyMethodDef* m_methods */
NULL, /* inquiry m_reload */
NULL, /* traverseproc m_traverse */
NULL, /* inquiry m_clear */
NULL, /* freefunc m_free */
// initialize PyFastFile Object
static int PyFastFile_init(PyFastFile* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs) {
char* filepath;
if( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "s", &filepath ) ) {
return -1;
int linecount = 0;
PyObject* iomodule;
PyObject* openfile;
PyObject* fileiterator;
iomodule = PyImport_ImportModule( "builtins" );
if( iomodule == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed to import the io module '"
"(and open the file " << filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
PyObject* openfunction = PyObject_GetAttrString( iomodule, "open" );
if( openfunction == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed get the io module open "
<< "function (and open the file '" << filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
openfile = PyObject_CallFunction(
openfunction, "ssiss", filepath, "r", -1, "ASCII", "ignore" );
if( openfile == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed to open the file'"
<< filepath << "'!" << std::endl;
return -1;
PyObject* iterfunction = PyObject_GetAttrString( openfile, "__iter__" );
Py_DECREF( openfunction );
if( iterfunction == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed get the io module iterator"
<< "function (and open the file '" << filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
PyObject* openiteratorobject = PyObject_CallObject( iterfunction, NULL );
Py_DECREF( iterfunction );
if( openiteratorobject == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed get the io module iterator object"
<< " (and open the file '" << filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
fileiterator = PyObject_GetAttrString( openfile, "__next__" );
Py_DECREF( openiteratorobject );
if( fileiterator == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed get the io module iterator "
<< "object (and open the file '" << filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
PyObject* readline;
while( ( readline = PyObject_CallObject( fileiterator, NULL ) ) != NULL ) {
linecount += 1;
PyUnicode_AsUTF8( readline );
Py_DECREF( readline );
// std::cerr << "linecount " << linecount << " readline '" << readline
// << "' '" << PyUnicode_AsUTF8( readline ) << "'" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "linecount " << linecount << std::endl;
// PyErr_PrintEx(100);
PyObject* closefunction = PyObject_GetAttrString( openfile, "close" );
if( closefunction == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed get the close file function for '"
<< filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
PyObject* closefileresult = PyObject_CallObject( closefunction, NULL );
Py_DECREF( closefunction );
if( closefileresult == NULL ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed close open file '"
<< filepath << "')!" << std::endl;
return -1;
Py_DECREF( closefileresult );
Py_XDECREF( iomodule );
Py_XDECREF( openfile );
Py_XDECREF( fileiterator );
return 0;
// destruct the object
static void PyFastFile_dealloc(PyFastFile* self) {
Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free( (PyObject*) self );
static PyTypeObject PyFastFileType =
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT( NULL, 0 )
"fastfilepackage.FastFile" /* tp_name */
// create the module
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_fastfilepackage(void)
PyObject* thismodule;
// https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/typeobj.html
PyFastFileType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
PyFastFileType.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyFastFile);
PyFastFileType.tp_dealloc = (destructor) PyFastFile_dealloc;
PyFastFileType.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT;
PyFastFileType.tp_doc = "FastFile objects";
PyFastFileType.tp_init = (initproc) PyFastFile_init;
if( PyType_Ready( &PyFastFileType) < 0 ) {
return NULL;
thismodule = PyModule_Create(&fastfilepackagemodule);
if( thismodule == NULL ) {
return NULL;
// Add FastFile class to thismodule allowing the use to create objects
Py_INCREF( &PyFastFileType );
PyModule_AddObject( thismodule, "FastFile", (PyObject*) &PyFastFileType );
return thismodule;
To built it, create the file source/fastfilewrappar.cpp
with the contents of the above file and the setup.py
with the following contents:
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuptools import setup, Extension
myextension = Extension(
language = "c++",
extra_link_args = ["-std=c++11"],
extra_compile_args = ["-std=c++11"],
name = 'fastfilepackage',
sources = [
include_dirs = [ 'source' ],
name = 'fastfilepackage',
ext_modules= [ myextension ],
To run example, use following Python
import time
import datetime
import fastfilepackage
testfile = './test.txt'
timenow = time.time()
iterable = fastfilepackage.FastFile( testfile )
fastfile_time = time.time() - timenow
timedifference = datetime.timedelta( seconds=fastfile_time )
print( 'FastFile timedifference', timedifference, flush=True )
user@user-pc$ /usr/bin/pip3.6 install .
Processing /fastfilepackage
Building wheels for collected packages: fastfilepackage
Building wheel for fastfilepackage (setup.py) ... done
Stored in directory: /pip-ephem-wheel-cache-j313cpzc/wheels/e5/5f/bc/52c820
Successfully built fastfilepackage
Installing collected packages: fastfilepackage
Found existing installation: fastfilepackage 0.0.0
Uninstalling fastfilepackage-0.0.0:
Successfully uninstalled fastfilepackage-0.0.0
Successfully installed fastfilepackage-0.0.0
user@user-pc$ /usr/bin/python3.6 fastfileperformance.py
linecount 820800
FastFile timedifference 0:00:03.204614
This takes about 4.7
seconds to parse 319MB.
If you remove the UTF-8
removal algorithm borrowed from the fastest benchmark using stdlib.h getline()
, it takes 1.7
seconds to run.
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
unsigned int fixedchar;
int linecount = -1;
char* source;
char* lineend;
char* destination;
if( ( source = setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.ascii" ) ) == NULL ) {
perror( "setlocale" );
return -1;
else {
std::cerr << "locale='" << source << "'" << std::endl;
std::ifstream fileifstream{ "./test.txt" };
if( fileifstream.fail() ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: FastFile failed to open the file!" << std::endl;
return -1;
size_t linebuffersize = 131072;
char* readline = (char*) malloc( linebuffersize );
if( readline == NULL ) {
perror( "malloc readline" );
return -1;
while( true )
if( !fileifstream.eof() )
linecount += 1;
fileifstream.getline( readline, linebuffersize );
lineend = readline + fileifstream.gcount();
destination = readline;
for( source = readline; source != lineend; ++source )
fixedchar = static_cast( *source );
// std::cerr << "fixedchar=" << std::setw(10)
// << fixedchar << " -> '" << *source << "'" << std::endl;
if( 31 < fixedchar && fixedchar < 128 ) {
*destination = *source;
// Trim out the new line character
if( *source == '\n' ) {
*--destination = '\0';
else {
*destination = '\0';
// std::cerr << "readline='" << readline << "'" << std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "linecount='" << linecount << "'" << std::endl;
if( fileifstream.is_open() ) {
free( readline );
return 0;
seconds trimming UTF-8 using two buffers with indexing3.1
seconds trimming UTF-8 using two buffers with memcpy4.6
seconds removing invalid UTF-8 with iconv24.2
seconds removing invalid UTF-8 with mbtowc2.4
seconds trimming UTF-8 using one buffer with pointer direct assigning2.3
seconds removing invalid UTF-8 without converting them to a cached UTF-8 char*
seconds removing invalid UTF-8 converting them to a cached UTF-8 char*
seconds trimming UTF-8 and caching as ASCII char*
seconds trimming UTF-8 with std::getline()
using one buffer with pointer direct assigningThe used file ./text.txt
had 820.800
lines where each line was equal to:
And all versions where compiled with
g++ (GCC) 7.4.0
iconv (GNU libiconv 1.14)
g++ -o main test.cpp -O3 -liconv && time ./main