Suppose you are making a music library app.
You have one view with a list on genres and another that shows the contents of the selected genre. When the user clicks a
You could make a simple model to hold the application state, you don't need anything fancy, just a bag of data that implements the usual Backbone event methods:
var AppState = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var app_state = new AppState();
Then the genre list view would listen for click events (as you already have) and set the current genre on the app-state model when someone changes it:
var Genres = Backbone.View.extend({
choose: function(ev) {
// This would be the click handler for the genre,
// `.html()` is just for demonstration purposes, you'd
// probably use a data attribute in real life.
app_state.set({genre: $( });
The view for the individual genre would listen for "change:genre"
events on the app-state model and react as the genre changes:
var Genre = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'change_genre');
app_state.on('change:genre', this.change_genre);
change_genre: function() {
// Refill the genre display...
You can make models for any data you want and models are a convenient way of working with data events in Backbone. As an added bonus, this approach makes it fairly easy to persist your application's state: just add the usual Backbone persistence support to AppState
and away you go.
If you only need a simple event bus to push non-data events around, you can use Backbone's Events methods to build a simple event aggregator: = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Then, assuming you have a global app
namespace, you can say things like this:'some-event', some_function);
and'some-event', arg1, arg2, ...);