I\'m attempting to apply a bandpass filter with time-varying cutoff frequencies to a signal, using Python. The routine I am currently using partitions my signal into equal-l
AudioLazy works natively with time varying filters
from audiolazy import sHz, white_noise, line, resonator, AudioIO
rate = 44100
s, Hz = sHz(rate)
sig = white_noise() # Endless white noise Stream
dur = 8 * s # Some few seconds of audio
freq = line(dur, 200, 800) # A lazy iterable range
bw = line(dur, 100, 240)
filt = resonator(freq * Hz, bw * Hz) # A simple bandpass filter
with AudioIO(True) as player:
player.play(filt(sig), rate=rate)
You can also use it for plotting (or analysis, in general), by using list(filt(sig))
or filt(sig).take(inf)
. There are a lot of other resources that might be useful as well, such as applying time-varying coefficients directly in a Z-transform filter equation.
EDIT: More information about the AudioLazy components
The following examples were done using the IPython.
Resonator is a StrategyDict
instance, which ties many implementations in one place.
In [1]: from audiolazy import *
In [2]: resonator
{('freq_poles_exp',): ,
('freq_z_exp',): ,
('poles_exp',): ,
('z_exp',): }
In [3]: resonator.default
So resonator
calls internally the resonator.poles_exp
function, from which you can get some help
In [4]: resonator.poles_exp?
Type: function
String Form:
File: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/audiolazy/lazy_filters.py
Definition: resonator.poles_exp(freq, bandwidth)
Resonator filter with 2-poles (conjugated pair) and no zeros (constant
numerator), with exponential approximation for bandwidth calculation.
freq :
Resonant frequency in rad/sample (max gain).
bandwidth :
Bandwidth frequency range in rad/sample following the equation:
``R = exp(-bandwidth / 2)``
where R is the pole amplitude (radius).
A ZFilter object.
Gain is normalized to have peak with 0 dB (1.0 amplitude).
So a verbose filter assignment would be
filt = resonator.poles_exp(freq=freq * Hz, bandwidth=bw * Hz)
Where the Hz
is just a number to change the unit from Hz to rad/sample, as used in most AudioLazy components.
Let's do so with freq = pi/4
and bw = pi/8
is already in the audiolazy
In [5]: filt = resonator(freq=pi/4, bandwidth=pi/8)
In [6]: filt
1 - 1.14005 * z^-1 + 0.675232 * z^-2
In [7]: type(filt)
Out[7]: audiolazy.lazy_filters.ZFilter
You can try using this filter instead of the one given in the first example.
Another way to do so would be using the z
object from the package.
First let's find the constants for that all-poles resonator:
In [8]: freq, bw = pi/4, pi/8
In [9]: R = e ** (-bw / 2)
In [10]: c = cos(freq) * 2 * R / (1 + R ** 2) # AudioLazy included the cosine
In [11]: gain = (1 - R ** 2) * sqrt(1 - c ** 2)
The denominator can be done directly by using the z
in the equation:
In [12]: denominator = 1 - 2 * R * c * z ** -1 + R ** 2 * z ** -2
In [13]: gain / denominator
1 - 1.14005 * z^-1 + 0.675232 * z^-2
In [15]: type(_) # The "_" is the last returned value in IPython
Out[15]: audiolazy.lazy_filters.ZFilter
EDIT 2: About the time varying coefficients
The filter coefficients can also be a Stream instance (which can be cast from any iterable).
In [16]: coeff = Stream([1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1]) # Cast from a list
In [17]: (1 - coeff * z ** -2)(impulse()).take(inf)
Out[17]: [1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
The same, given a list input instead of the impulse()
In [18]: coeff = Stream((1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1)) # Cast from a tuple
In [19]: (1 - coeff * z ** -2)([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).take(inf)
Out[19]: [1.0, 0.0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
A NumPy 1D array is also an iterable:
In [20]: from numpy import array
In [21]: array_data = array([1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1])
In [22]: coeff = Stream(array_data) # Cast from an array
In [23]: (1 - coeff * z ** -2)([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).take(inf)
Out[23]: [0.0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
This last example shows the time-variant behaviour.
EDIT 3: Chunked-repeat sequences behaviour
The line function has a behaviour similar to the numpy.linspace
, which gets the range "length" instead of "step".
In [24]: import numpy
In [25]: numpy.linspace(10, 20, 5) # Start, stop (included), length
Out[25]: array([ 10. , 12.5, 15. , 17.5, 20. ])
In [26]: numpy.linspace(10, 20, 5, endpoint=False) # Makes stop not included
Out[26]: array([ 10., 12., 14., 16., 18.])
In [27]: line(5, 10, 20).take(inf) # Length, start, stop (range-like)
Out[27]: [10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0]
In [28]: line(5, 10, 20, finish=True).take(inf) # Include the "stop"
Out[28]: [10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5, 20.0]
With that, the filter equation has a different behaviour sample-per-sample (1-sample "chunk"). Anyhow, you can use a repeater for larger chunk sizes:
In [29]: five_items = _ # List from the last Out[] value
In [30]: @tostream
....: def repeater(sig, n):
....: for el in sig:
....: for _ in xrange(n):
....: yield el
In [31]: repeater(five_items, 2).take(inf)
Out[31]: [10.0, 10.0, 12.5, 12.5, 15.0, 15.0, 17.5, 17.5, 20.0, 20.0]
And use it in the line from the first example, so that freq
and bw
chunk_size = 100
freq = repeater(line(dur / chunk_size, 200, 800), chunk_size)
bw = repeater(line(dur / chunk_size, 100, 240), chunk_size)
EDIT 4: Emulating time-varying filters/coefficients from LTI filters using time-varying gain/envelope
Another way around would be using different "weights" for two different filtered versions of the signal, and making some "crossfade" math with the signal, something like:
signal = thub(sig, 2) # T-Hub is a T (tee) auto-copy
filt1(signal) * line(dur, 0, 1) + filt2(signal) * line(dur, 1, 0)
This would apply a linear envelope (from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0) from different filtered versions of the same signal. If thub
looks confusing, try sig1, sig2 = tee(sig, 2)
applying filt(sig1)
and filt(sig2)
instead, these should do the same.
EDIT 5: Time-variant Butterworth filter
I spent the last hours trying to let that Butterworth be personalized as your example, imposing order = 2
and giving the half-power bandwidth (~3dB) directly. I've done four examples, the code is in this Gist, and I've updated AudioLazy to include a gauss_noise
Gaussian-distributed noise stream. Please note that the code in gist has nothing optimized, it was done ony to work in this particular case, and the chirp example makes it really slow due to a "per sample" coefficient finding behaviour. The instant frequency can be get from the [filtered] data in rad/sample with:
where diff = 1 - z ** -1
or another approach to find derivatives in discrete time, hilbert
is the function from scipy.signal
that gives us the analytical signal (the Discrete Hilbert Transform is the imaginary part of its result) and the other two are helper functions from AudioLazy.
This is what happens when Butterworth changes its coefficients abruptly while keeping its memory, without noise:
It's noticeable a oscilatory behaviour in this transition. You can use a moving median to "smooth" that in the lower frequency side while keeping the abrupt transition, but that won't work with the higher frequency. Well, that was what we would expect from a perfect sinusoid, but with noise (a LOT of noise, the Gaussian has the standard deviation equals to the sinusoid amplitude), it becomes:
I tried then to do the same with a chirp, precisely this:
This shows a strange behaviour when filtering with the lower bandwidth, at the top frequency. And with the additive noise:
The code in gist also AudioIO().play
this last noisy chirp.
EDIT 6: Time-variant resonator filter
I've added to the same Gist an example using resonators instead of Butterworth. They're in pure Python and aren't optimized, but performs faster than calling butter
for each sample during a chirp, and is far easier to implement, as all the resonator
strategies accepts Stream instances as valid inputs. Here are the plots for a cascade of two resonators (i.e., a 2nd order filter):
And the same for a cascade of three resonators (i.e., a 3nd order filter):
These resonators have gain equals to 1 (0 dB) at the center frequency, and that oscillation pattern from the "Abrupt pure sinusoid" plots in the transition happens even without any filtering at all.