I am looking for a base32 function/class for php. the different classes and function that i found are all very ineffective. I ran a benchmark and came to the following resul
You can try these functions I adapted from bbars and crockford:
function crockford32_encode($data) {
$chars = '0123456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz';
$mask = 0b11111;
$dataSize = strlen($data);
$res = '';
$remainder = 0;
$remainderSize = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $dataSize; $i++) {
$b = ord($data[$i]);
$remainder = ($remainder << 8) | $b;
$remainderSize += 8;
while($remainderSize > 4) {
$remainderSize -= 5;
$c = $remainder & ($mask << $remainderSize);
$c >>= $remainderSize;
$res .= $chars[$c];
if($remainderSize > 0) {
$remainder <<= (5 - $remainderSize);
$c = $remainder & $mask;
$res .= $chars[$c];
return $res;
function crockford32_decode($data) {
$map = [
'0' => 0,
'O' => 0,
'o' => 0,
'1' => 1,
'I' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'L' => 1,
'l' => 1,
'2' => 2,
'3' => 3,
'4' => 4,
'5' => 5,
'6' => 6,
'7' => 7,
'8' => 8,
'9' => 9,
'A' => 10,
'a' => 10,
'B' => 11,
'b' => 11,
'C' => 12,
'c' => 12,
'D' => 13,
'd' => 13,
'E' => 14,
'e' => 14,
'F' => 15,
'f' => 15,
'G' => 16,
'g' => 16,
'H' => 17,
'h' => 17,
'J' => 18,
'j' => 18,
'K' => 19,
'k' => 19,
'M' => 20,
'm' => 20,
'N' => 21,
'n' => 21,
'P' => 22,
'p' => 22,
'Q' => 23,
'q' => 23,
'R' => 24,
'r' => 24,
'S' => 25,
's' => 25,
'T' => 26,
't' => 26,
'V' => 27,
'v' => 27,
'W' => 28,
'w' => 28,
'X' => 29,
'x' => 29,
'Y' => 30,
'y' => 30,
'Z' => 31,
'z' => 31,
$data = strtolower($data);
$dataSize = strlen($data);
$buf = 0;
$bufSize = 0;
$res = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $dataSize; $i++) {
$c = $data[$i];
if(!isset($map[$c])) {
throw new \Exception("Unsupported character $c (0x".bin2hex($c).") at position $i");
$b = $map[$c];
$buf = ($buf << 5) | $b;
$bufSize += 5;
if($bufSize > 7) {
$bufSize -= 8;
$b = ($buf & (0xff << $bufSize)) >> $bufSize;
$res .= chr($b);
return $res;