I\'m writing a small API in Laravel, partly for the purposes of learning this framework. I think I have spotted a gaping hole in the docs, but it may be due to my not unders
The obvious way is to re-bind the implementation in setUp()
Make your self a new UserTestCase
(or edit the one provided by Laravel) and add:
abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
use CreatesApplication;
protected function setUp()
app()->bind(YourService::class, function() { // not a service provider but the target of service provider
return new YourFakeService();
class YourFakeService {} // I personally keep fakes in the test files itself if they are short
Register providers conditionally based on environment (put this in AppServiceProvider.php or any other provider that you designate for this task - ConditionalLoaderServiceProvider.php or whatever) in register()
if (app()->environment('testing')) {
} else {
Note: drawback is that list of providers is on two places one in config/app.php and one in the AppServiceProvider.php