Is there a \"native\" SPSS way to loop through some variable names? All I want to do is take a list of variables (that I define) and run the same procedure for them:
How can do this stata sintxis for spss.
foreach var of varlist pob_multi pob_multimod pob_multiex vul_car vul_ing nopob_nov espacio carencias carencias_3 ic_rezedu ic_asalud ic_ss ic_cv ic_sbv ic_ali pobex pob {
tabstat `var' [w=factor] if pob_multi!=., stats(mean) save
matrix define `var'_pp =(r(StatTotal))
matrix rownames `var'_pp = `var'_pp
matrix tabla1 = (pob_multi_pp \ pob_multimod_pp \ pob_multiex_pp \ vul_car_pp \ vul_ing_pp \ nopob_nov_pp \ espacio_pp \ carencias_pp \ carencias_3_pp \ espacio_pp \ ic_rezedu_pp\ ic_asalud_pp \ ic_ss_pp \ ic_cv_pp \ ic_sbv_pp\ ic_ali_pp \ espacio_pp \ pobex_pp \ pob_pp )
matrix list tabla1