I am having trouble with some of the logic in converting an IP Address range into a list of CIDR blocks. I do believe that this website is doing it right: http://ip2cidr.com
The open-source IPAddress Java library can do this for you. Disclaimer: I am the project manager of the IPAddress library.
Here is a sample method to do it:
static void toPrefixBlocks(String str1, String str2) {
IPAddressString string1 = new IPAddressString(str1);
IPAddressString string2 = new IPAddressString(str2);
IPAddress one = string1.getAddress(), two = string2.getAddress();
IPAddressSeqRange range = one.toSequentialRange(two);
System.out.println("starting with range " + range);
IPAddress blocks[] = range.spanWithPrefixBlocks();
System.out.println("prefix blocks are " + Arrays.asList(blocks));
Using your example:
The output is:
starting with range ->
prefix blocks are [,,]