I\'m developing a database using the Red Gate SQL Developer tools. SQL Test, the SSMS add-in that runs tSQLt tests, lacks a way to rename test classes.
I have a test
tSQLt test classes are schemas with a special extended property.
Cade Roux's great solution for renaming schemas is to create a new schema, transfer all the objects, then drop the old schema.
If we did that here we'd lose the extended property.
Let's adapt it for the tSQLt framework.
Create a new test class.
EXECUTE tSQLt.NewTestClass
@ClassName = 'CustomerTests';
You should see the old class and the new class together in the tSQLt.TestClasses
FROM tSQLt.TestClasses;
Name SchemaId
----------------------------------------- ----------
SQLCop 7
BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests 10
CustomerTests 14
Cade used Chris Shaffer's select variable concatenation trick to build a list of transfer statements, and print the result.
SELECT @sql = @sql +
N'ALTER SCHEMA CustomerTests
TRANSFER BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests.' + QUOTENAME(name) + N';' +
CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
FROM sys.objects
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id]) = N'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests';
PRINT @sql;
Ugly, but effective.
Copy the output and execute as a new query.
ALTER SCHEMA CustomerTests
TRANSFER BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests.[test uspMaintainCustomer validate merged data];
ALTER SCHEMA CustomerTests
TRANSFER BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests.[test uspMaintainCustomerPermissions throws error when PermissionValue is missing or empty];
I've shown only two tests here, but it should work for all of them.
Now drop the old test class.
@ClassName = N'BackendLayerCustomerAdministrationTests';
The old class should be gone from view.
FROM tSQLt.TestClasses;
Name SchemaId
----------------------------------------- ----------
SQLCop 7
CustomerTests 14
Run all your tests again to check that it worked.
|Test Execution Summary|
|No|Test Case Name |Result |
|1|[CustomerTests].[test uspMaintainCustomer throws error on missing APIKey] |Success|
|2|[CustomerTests].[test uspMaintainCustomerPermissions validate merged data] |Success|
|3|[SQLCop].[test Decimal Size Problem] |Success|
|4|[SQLCop].[test Procedures Named SP_] |Success|
|5|[SQLCop].[test Procedures using dynamic SQL without sp_executesql] |Success|
|6|[SQLCop].[test Procedures with @@Identity] |Success|
|7|[SQLCop].[test Procedures With SET ROWCOUNT] |Success|
Test Case Summary: 7 test case(s) executed, 7 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.