I need to execute in python a SQL query that adds a new column, in sqlite3.
The problem is that sometimes it already exists. So previous to executing the query I ne
For any reason you want an explicitly way to check if a column is already present, you can find a full Python recipe below. Up to you to wrap the code in a function or improve it
import sqlite3
sqlite_db = 'my_sqlite_db.sqlite'
col_to_test = 'my_column'
table_to_test = 'my_table_name'
con = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_db)
check_sqlite_col_exist_query = """SELECT count(*) > 0
FROM pragma_table_info('{}')
WHERE name=?;""".format
with con:
q = con.execute(check_sqlite_col_exist_query(table_to_test), (col_to_test, ))
col_exist = q.fetchone()
col_exist = col_exist[0] > 0
if not col_exist:
print('"{}" column does not exist in table "{}"!'.format(col_to_test, table_to_test))
# Do stuff here like adding your column or something else
print('"{}" column already exist in table "{}"!'.format(col_to_test, table_to_test))