I have the following nested loop:
for (x in xs) {
for (y in ys) {
# Do something with x and y
Which I’d like to flatten
R has a different paradigm than Python, so don't expect it to have generators or tuples -- we have vectors and indices for that.
This way, to map a function on a Cartesian product simply call
outer(xs,ys,function(x,y) ...)
and undim the result if you wish.
EDIT: In case xs
or ys
are something more complex than base vectors, one option is to use indices, i.e.
outer(seq(a=xs),seq(a=ys),function(xi,yi) ... xs[[xi]]/ys[xi,]/etc. ...)
or map a function on a bit hand-crafted product using mapply
mapply(function(x,y) ...,xs,rep(ys,each=length(xs)))