I have a mysql table like below
id trader price
111 abc 5
222 xyz 5.20
333 abc 5.70
444 xyz 5
555 abc 5.20
I nee
You can perform a "self-join" (joining the table to itself) to perform queries. The tricky part here is knowing the order in which rows were inserted into the table, and only comparing rows that are sequentially (temporally) adjacent. I'm assuming you have some sort of TIMESTAMP column that will tell you which price changes came after the prior ones. If not, then perhaps "ID" can inform you of that (the greater ID row being inserted after the lesser ID).
Calling your table 'TAB', using 'TRADER' to provide the join, and using 'ID' to provide the Order, the query would require a three-way self-join such as follows:
SELECT a.trader
, SUM(IF(a.price > b.price, 1, 0)) nbr_incr
, SUM(IF(a.price < b.price, 1, 0)) nbr_decr
, SUM(IF(a.price = b.price, 1, 0)) nbr_same
FROM tab a
JOIN tab b
ON a.trader = b.trader AND a.id > b.id
ON a.trader = c.trader AND a.id > c.id AND b.id < c.id
GROUP BY a.trader
The above query joins the table to itself twice so that each tab represents the following:
We perform a LEFT OUTER JOIN to 'tab c' because we do not actually want that row to exist. In the where clause, we filter our results only to the results where a 'tab c' row does not exist.
Finally, the query performs a 'GROUP BY' on the trader, and SUM()s the Increments and Decrements by comparing the price from the 'a' and 'b' rows.
This was a fun challenge. Hope this helps!