I was wondering how I would go about allowing every server my bot is connected to, to set their own prefix. I am using the async version of dpy with Commands ext. I would a
Late answer, but for those others also looking for this you can use the get_prefix
It's very similar to Patrick Haugh's version, but a little different maybe because of different discord library versions?
prefixes = ['.','!','s.','k!']
ser_pref={'server id':['.',',']}
def get_prefix(bot, msg):
if msg.guild.id in ser_pref:
return commands.when_mentioned_or(*ser_pref['server id'])
return commands.when_mentioned_or(*prefixes)(bot, msg)
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=get_prefix)
You can then later make commands to allow more custom server prefixes to other servers by adding their options to the dict