In PHP, I\'m using curl to send a delete to the fb graph api - and yet I\'m getting the following error;
For anyone still struggling with this, I found out what my issue was attempting to delete application requests that I had previously created using the PHP SDK, which was resulting in this error.
(#2) Invalid parameter: Body of an error/warning message. Title is: Invalid parameter
The problem was essentially with which access token was being used; user or application.
The specific scenario I was working on was where a user in my application has invited a friend Facebook (using an app request) but then wants to revoke that invite. In this case I want to delete the app request on Facebook that was previously created. However, at this point in time, the logged in user is not the recipient of the app request, but the sender.
Looking at the PHP SDK code, it automatically uses the user access token if it has one, over the application access token. In fact, there doesn't appear to be a way to explicitly get the application token from the SDK.
When attempting to delete the app request using the following...
$facebook->api('/'.$fb_request_id, 'DELETE');
...and letting the PHP SDK choose the user token, I received the (#2) Invalid parameter error message. However, if I manually construct the application access token (where the format is "$app_id|$app_secret" and pass it as an array key in a third parameter...
$facebook->api('/'.$fb_request_id, 'DELETE', array('access_token' => $app_access_token);
..then the call succeeds.
So, essentially you need to use the application access token to delete the app requests if the current user is not the recipient of the app request.
I hope this helps anyone else struggling with the same issue.