I know my post has a very similar title to other ones in this forum, but I really couldn\'t find the answer I need.
Here is my problem, I have a SQL Server running o
You can use the following script to run the same script on a set of databases. Just change the filter in the insert line.
declare @dbs table (
dbName varchar(100),
done bit default 0
insert @dbs select [name], 0 FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE [Name] like 'targets_%'
while (exists(select 1 from @dbs where done = 0))
declare @db varchar(100);
select top 1 @db = dbName from @dbs where done = 0;
exec ('
use [' + @db + '];
update table1 set
col1 = '''',
col2 = 1
where id = ''45b6facb-510d-422f-a48c-687449f08821''
print @db + ' updated!';
update @dbs set done = 1 where dbName = @db;
If your SQL Server version does not support table variables, just use Temp Tables but don`t forget to drop them at the end of the script.