I need to extract an 8 byte digest from a variable length string so I\'m looking for such an algorithm that I will implement in c/c++. That will be part of a digital signatu
I had the exact same requirement, and I settled for FNV-1A, after dismissing SIP hash (implemented by bloomberg here).
I found an FNV implementation here:
which is:
constexpr uint64_t fnv_basis = 14695981039346656037ull;
constexpr uint64_t fnv_prime = 1099511628211ull;
// FNV-1a 64 bit hash of null terminated buffer
uint64_t fnv1a_hash(const char* str, uint64_t hash = fnv_basis)
return *str ? fnv1a_hash(str + 1, (hash ^ *str) * fnv_prime) : hash;
It appears he is looping using tail recursion. And stop condition is the null
(boost uses hash_range
which is hash_combining
each element in chain I guess.)
License is zlib and copyright is Jonathan Müller. Though I'm not convinced a oneliner can be legally licensed if it implements research by other persons (Fowler-Noll-Vo).