I am trying to use Node.js to programmatically build Jenkins jobs that take Git parameters.
I am sending the parameters as post data, as shown below. However, no ma
try this, it works for me:
var auth = 'Basic yourUserToken';
var jobOptions = {
url:'jenkinsHostName:8080/jenkins/job/jobName/' +'build',
method: 'POST',
port: 8080
var parameter = {"parameter": [{"name":"ref", "value":"origin/master"}]};
var postData;
if (!_.isEmpty(parameter)) {
var jsonParametersString = JSON.stringify(parameter);
jobOptions.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
jobOptions.url += '?token=jobRemoteTriggerToken';
postData = "json="+jsonParametersString;
console.log("postData = " + postData);
var callback;
var responseCB;
makeRequest(jobOptions, callback, responseCB, postData) ;
It is based on your code. I removed the querystring - it seems that it returned an empty string when performed on the parameters object. I change /buildWithParameters to /build - it didn't work the other way.
In addition, verify that when you pass the 'Content-Length' in the header, it doesn't truncated your json parameters object (I removed it ).
also note that I used the user API token, that you can get at http://yourJenkinsUrl/me/configure and click the "Shown API Token" button.