I made a pretty CPU intensive webpage with lots of CSS3 and Javascript. I want to use Javascript to test if the user\'s computer is capable of handling the scripts. I think
You can profile how long it takes to render a frame or a couple of frames that should give you and idea of what fps would be on the client.
var StartTime = new Date().getTime();
BenchMarkTestFunction(); // render frame for example
var EndTime = new Date().getTime();
var ElapsedMilliseconds = EndTime - StartTime;
var AcceptableTime = 1000; // one second
var IsGoodPerformance = ElapsedMilliseconds < AcceptableTime; // some number being acceptable performace
if(!IsGoodPerformance) {
alert("Sorry your browser is not good enough to run this site - go somewhere else");
You can determine what the AcceptableTime should be by testing your site on different browsers/devices and seeing how it performs and what the value for ElapsedMilliseconds was.