I have to generate all variations without repetitions made of digits 0 - 9.
Length of them could be from 1 to 10. I really don\'t know how to solve it, especially ho
The code for this is similar to the one without duplicates, with the addition of an if-else statement.Check this code
In the above code,Edit the for loop as follows
for (j = i; j <= n; j++)
if(a[i]!=a[j] && !is_duplicate(a,i,j))
swap((a+i), (a+j));
permute(a, i+1, n);
swap((a+i), (a+j));
else if(i!=j) {} // if no duplicate is present , do nothing
else permute(a,i+1,n); // skip the ith character
bool is_duplicate(int *a,int i,int j)
if a[i] is present between a[j]...a[i]
return 1;
return 0;
worked for me