I\'m designing a dynamic buffer for outgoing messages. The data structure takes the form of a queue of nodes that have a Byte Array buffer as a member. Unfortunately in VB
So it turns out I needed a little help from OleAut32.dll, specifically the 'VariantCopy' function. This function faithfully makes an exact copy of one Variant to another, including when it is ByRef!
Private Declare Sub VariantCopy Lib "OleAut32" (pvarDest As Any, pvargSrc As Any)
Private m_Buffer() As Byte
Public Property Let Buffer(buf As Variant)
m_Buffer = buf
End Property
Public Property Get Buffer() As Variant
Buffer = GetByRefVariant(m_Buffer)
End Property
Private Function GetByRefVariant(ByRef var As Variant) As Variant
VariantCopy GetByRefVariant, var
End Function
With this new definition, all the tests pass!
Public Sub Main()
Dim buf() As Byte
ReDim buf(0 To 4)
buf(0) = 1
buf(1) = 2
buf(2) = 3
buf(3) = 4
Dim oBuffer As clsTest
Set oBuffer = New clsTest
'Test #1, the assignment
oBuffer.Buffer = buf 'Success!
'Test #2, get the value of an index in the array
Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2) 'Success! This is from GSerg's comment on the question
'Test #3, change the value of an index in the array and verify that it is actually modified
oBuffer.Buffer()(2) = 27
Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2) 'Success! Diplays "27" in the immediate window
End Sub