I am running the following command to get my encrypted obb file for apk expansion.
jobb -d /home/manoj/Desktop/Test -o main.1.com.example.helloworld.obb -k \
You can also get following error with the jobb-Tool (at least in windows with the jobb.bat), if you have many many files.
de.waldheinz.fs.fat.Directory Full Exception: directory is full
This is, because the obb file format is saved in FAT16, whitch only allows 512 entries/files in the root directory
On Windows: if you have a folder "data" whith lost of pictures, and copied to the android sdk-tools directory
and you use
console>>>jobb -pn my.package.name -pv VERSIONCODE -d ./data -k obb_password
-o main.VERSIONCODE.my.package.name.obb
you will get the mentioned error. Try to add one directory-hierarchy and make the "data"-directory to a subfolder
console>>>jobb -pn my.package.name -pv VERSIONCODE -d ./root -k obb_password
-o main.VERSIONCODE.my.package.name.obb
you have to keep in mind, that if you want to read from the obb later, that the pictures are now in a subfolder.