I have a peculiar python problem. During the course of execution of my gtk python application, some of my class objects mysteriously lose attributes, causing some of the fun
Well you can use property and inspect module to trace changes to attribute like this:
import sys
import inspect
def from_where_called():
info = inspect.getframeinfo(sys._getframe(2))
code = info.code_context[0] if info.code_context else ''
return '%s:%s %s' % (info.filename, info.lineno, code)
def add_watched_attribute(name):
def attr_watch_get(self):
value = getattr(self, '_' + name, 'unset')
print from_where_called(), name, 'is', value
return value
def attr_watch_set(self, value):
print from_where_called(), name, 'set to', value
setattr(self, '_' + name, value)
def attr_watch_delete(self):
print from_where_called(), name, 'deleted'
delattr(self,'_' + name)
sys._getframe(1).f_locals[name] = property(
attr_watch_get, attr_watch_set, attr_watch_delete
class InspectedClass(object):
def __init__(self):
self.victim = 2
def kill(self):
del self.victim
x = InspectedClass()
x.victim = 'asdf'
Or you can use sys.settrace from this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13404866/816449