Think about this scenario:
I debug my Django project and I step through the code (in and out). The debugger sometimes enters Django libraries or other external libra
Does anyone know how to prevent the debugger from entering external code?
Yes, Dmitry Trofimov knows;
(...) add modules you don't want to trace to the dict
That is a hacky solution (...)
If you want this feature to be less hacky you can vote on it by visiting issue
PY-9101 Implement "Do not step into the classes" option for Python debugger
Those using pdb might be interested to know there is such a feature in pdb;
Starting with Python 3.1, Pdb
class has a new argument called skip -
class pdb.Pdb(completekey='tab', stdin=None, stdout=None, skip=None, nosigint=False)
The skip argument, if given, must be an iterable of glob-style module name patterns. The debugger will not step into frames that originate in a module that matches one of these patterns. 1
1 Whether a frame is considered to originate in a certain module is determined by the
in the frame globals.
The example given in the docs shows how to skip Django's packages -
import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['django.*']).set_trace()