For example if java produces the pseudorandom sequence: 9 3 2 5 6 by using 23 as a seed, how can I do the inverse? i.e. getting 23<
It is certainly possible to recover the seed used by java.util.Random. This post describes the math behind Random's linear congruential formula, and here is a function to discover the current seed from the last two integers returned from nextInt().
public static long getCurrentSeed(int i1, int i2) {
final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL;
final long inv_mult = 0xDFE05BCB1365L;
final long increment = 0xBL;
final long mask = ((1L << 48) - 1);
long suffix = 0L;
long lastSeed;
long currSeed;
int lastInt;
for (long i=0; i < (1<<16); i++) {
suffix = i;
currSeed = ((long)i2 << 16) | suffix;
lastSeed = ((currSeed - increment) * inv_mult) & mask;
lastInt = (int)(lastSeed >>> 16);
if (lastInt == i1) {
/* We've found the current seed, need to roll back 2 seeds */
currSeed = lastSeed;
lastSeed = ((currSeed - increment) * inv_mult) & mask;
return lastSeed ^ multiplier;
/* Error, current seed not found */
System.err.println("current seed not found");
return 0;
This function returns a value that can be used with rand.setSeed() to generate a pseudorandom sequence of numbers starting with i1 and i2.