facing perm gen space error in weblogic

后端 未结 5 687
离开以前 2021-01-02 02:27

I am new to weblogic. After starting the server when i see administrator console and get log-in it throws below exception.

Root cause of ServletException.

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-02 03:01

    To set PermGen size you can use e.g. -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m.

    Regarding Weblogic, set the JAVA_OPTIONS and see if these options are properly passed in as parameters into your Java process. You can also directly set these parameters in the startWeblogic.cmd script.

    To check that your JAVA_OPTIONS are set properly, add echo %JAVA_OPTIONS% into the startWeblogic.cmd script and see the output. Also, you can use e.g. jConsole, jstat, or jmap to monitor Heap usage of the Weblogic process at runtime. This will show you the sizes and occupation of the PermGen.
