Does there exist a routine in Delphi that rounds a TDateTime value to the closest second, closest hour, closest 5-minute, closest half hour etc?
If anyone reads this far down in the post then here's another thought. As z666zz666z said, it doesn't have to be complicated. TDateTime in Delphi is a double precision floating point number with the integer portion representing the day. If the rounding value is passed as the number of 'periods' in the day then the rounding function would simply be: Round(dt * RoundingValue) / RoundingValue. The method would be:
procedure RoundTo(var dt: TDateTime; RoundingValue:integer);
if RoundingValue > 0 then
dt := Round(dt * RoundingValue) / RoundingValue;
RoundTo(targetDateTime, SecsPerDay); // round to the nearest second
RoundTo(targetDateTime, SecsPerDay div 10); // round to the nearest 10 seconds
RoundTo(targetDateTime, MinsPerDay); // round to the nearest minute
RoundTo(targetDateTime, MinsPerDay div 5); // round to the nearest five minutes
RoundTo(targetDateTime, HoursPerDay); // round to the nearest hour
It even caters to sub second rounding:
RoundTo(targetDateTime, SecsPerDay * 10); // round to the nearest 1/10 second