I\'m playing around with building a simple Facebook Messenger chatbot and I\'m having trouble sending messages in sequence.
In the example above, it should
Based on the recursive solution proposed by @user3884594, I kind of make it work using this (I removed the error handling in order to simplify):
send_messages (["message 01", "message 02", "message 03"]);
function send_messages (which, i = 0)
url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/me/messages',
qs: { access_token: FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN },
method: 'POST',
json: { recipient: { id: senderId }, message: { text: which [i] }
}, (error, response, body) =>
// You need to put your error handling logic here
if (i++ < which.length - 1)
send_messages (which, i);