I am new to Angular. I am using angular 4 reactive forms and figured out how to perform custom validations. Following is my implementation for numeric
This is my solution:
import {AbstractControl} from "@angular/forms";
export class MyValidators {
// validate MM/DD/YYYY
static date(c: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: boolean } {
let value = c.value;
if (value && typeof value === "string") {
let match = value.match(/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4})$/);
if (!match) {
return {'dateInvalid': true};
let date = new Date(`${match[3]}-${match[1]}-${match[2]}`);
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {
return {'dateInvalid': true};
return null;