how to fix Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access VS2017

前端 未结 6 920
南方客 2021-01-01 20:01

I changed my password for my TFS. But when I try to reconnect I receive the TF30063 unauthorized error.

There are many issues like this and I tried everything I coul

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-01 20:32

    I also had this problem with VS2017, version 15.9.4.

    Common fixes are detailed here and here. And the majority of pages talking about this problem reference those solutions or sub-sets in some combination or another. (And often to fix login bugs introduced in one of the 15.5.* versions of VS2017)

    None of those solutions worked for me either and after researching for 2 days, I found a couple of fringe-reasons why VS 2017 will not refresh/store credentials.

    The 2 main "fringe" problems/fixes I've found are:

    1. Connecting through certain proxy setups

    2. Cryptography store not allowing for local storage, see also here

    For myself it was the second problem, a good indicator of the issue is a log entry in %TEMP%\servicehub\logs with the error: "The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation."

    It might also be a Windows 7/8.1 known issue carried over to Windows 10 upgraded machines. The problem only happened on a machine that joined the domain after doing the Windows 10 upgrade.

    The fix is to add the following registry entry:


    Setting that immediately fixed the issue with VS2017 connecting to the Microsoft Account. (And some other applications that would not persist credentials between launches)
