I need to implement something like my own file system. One operation would be the FindFirstFile. I need to check, if the caller passed something like ., sample*.cpp
Here is a dependency free portable C++ version:
bool wild_match(const std::string& str, const std::string& pat) {
std::string::const_iterator str_it = str.begin();
for (std::string::const_iterator pat_it = pat.begin(); pat_it != pat.end();
++pat_it) {
switch (*pat_it) {
case '?':
if (str_it == str.end()) {
return false;
case '*': {
if (pat_it + 1 == pat.end()) {
return true;
const size_t max = strlen(&*str_it);
for (size_t i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
if (wild_match(&*(pat_it + 1), &*(str_it + i))) {
return true;
return false;
if (*str_it != *pat_it) {
return false;
return str_it == str.end();