I am trying to install TensorFlow in my local directory using the following command.
export TF_BINARY_URL=http://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/
Solution 1: Pip won't re-download the package in this solution but in other solutions it does
Check the available disk space using df -h
If you just need to change tmpfs size, you can remount it on-line with new size:
$ sudo mount -o remount,size=10G /tmp
$ sudo mount -o remount,size=10G /var/tmp
Solution 2: You can set the environment variable 'TMPDIR' for pip
$ export TMPDIR=$HOME/new/tmp/dir
$ pip install --install-option="--prefix=$PYTHONUSERBASE" --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
Solution 3: With custom cache/temp directory
$ pip install --cache-dir=$HOME/new/tmp/dir/ --install-option="--prefix=$PYTHONUSERBASE" --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
Solution 4: With no cache directory
pip install --no-cache-dir --install-option="--prefix=$PYTHONUSERBASE" --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL