In my application I have multiple tableviews with custom cells. Some of the text in the cells are spread out on between 2-4 lines so the height of the label is large enough
Here is the Same Question asked by SomeOne. you'll find more appropriate way to solve this problem.they guys did great explanation over it.
I think so, you should take a look of this.
here in that thread many answers suggest set the dynamic frame for the UILabel on the basis of text
as below snippet of code described.
CGSize theStringSize = [textToBeUsed sizeWithFont:lblTitle.font constrainedToSize:labelSize lineBreakMode:lblTitle.lineBreakMode];
lblTitle.frame = CGRectMake(lblTitle.frame.origin.x, lblTitle.frame.origin.y, theStringSize.width, theStringSize.height);
lblTitle.text = theText;
// lblTitle is the Label used for showing the Text.
you can get more precise idea rather than using textField
here it is