Xcode 8 or 9 started displaying runtime issues. You see a purple icon at the top of the window, and a list in Issue Navigator, next to buildtime issues like compilation warn
Well, that's a hack, far from ideal, but can by useful to get runtime warnings without having game-over behavior like in assertions or fatal errors:
func runtimeWarning(_ message: String, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
// If you got here, please check console for more info
_ = UIApplication.shared.windows
print("Runtime warning: \(message): file \(file.fileName), line \(line)")
fileprivate extension String {
var fileName: String { URL(fileURLWithPath: self).lastPathComponent }
Unfortunately this leads to quite a big print to console from Main Thread Checker, also does not show on correct line, but at least you have all info needed in console (including line of code you should check).
Usage and result is very similar to assertionFailure
or fatalError
runtimeWarning("Hi, I'm purple")
leads to message in console:
Runtime warning: Hi, I'm purple: file MyFile.swift, line 10
and this, so you won't miss it: