I\'d like to use Java\'s DecimalFormat to format doubles like so:
#1 - 100 -> $100
#2 - 100.5 -> $100.50
#3 - 100.41 -> $100.41
You could use the Java Money API to achieve this. (although this is not using DecialFormat)
long amountInCents = ...;
double amountInEuro = amountInCents / 100.00;
String customPattern;
if (minimumOrderValueInCents % 100 == 0) {
customPattern = "# ¤";
} else {
customPattern = "#.## ¤";
Money minDeliveryAmount = Money.of(amountInEuro, "EUR");
MonetaryAmountFormat formatter = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(AmountFormatQueryBuilder.of(Locale.GERMANY)
.set("pattern", customPattern)