How do I define my table in FXML and then use my JavaFX code to populate it dynamically at runtime?
Define the controller class. Few things to note:
a class Data Model class MyDataModel is used to populate the data.
public class MyController implements Initializable {
private TableView myTableView;
private TableColumn idColumn;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
idColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory"idColumn"));
private List getItemsToAdd(){
// this method would fetch the necessary items from database.
Define the Data Model class. Few things to note:
the model class must have the methods getIdColumn() and setIdColumn(String id)
public class MyDataModel {
private final SimpleStringProperty idColumnProperty = new SimpleStringProperty("");
public MyDataModel(){
public MyDataModel(String id){
public String getIdColumn(){
public void setIdColumn(String id){