I\'m having some issues with the form wizard, that maybe someone can shed some light on. According docstring in the method process_step: I can \"dynamically alter self.form
How do you use FormWizard? If you're putting it in urls.py like docs says then it could be cached, i had that issue couple of times. Just put it in a view like:
def my_view(request):
return FormWizard(request)
UPDATE: Example from real
def registration_wizard(request, template_name=None):
rw = RegistrationWizard([RegistrationForm, 0])
#hack formwizard to replace default template
if template_name:
rw.get_template = lambda x: template_name
return rw(request)
here RegistrationWizard is a FormWizard subclass with dynamic form_list, [RegistrationForm, 0] is needed because if there's only one form at creation time, wizard won't get to form_list function. Template thing is pretty self-explanatory